Down Easter Alexa

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Lead 1 (square]
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Acoustic Bass
Bright Acoustic Piano
Lead 8 (bass + lead]


Well I'm on the Down east er A le xa And I'm cruis ing through Block Is land Sound _ _ I have chart ed a course to the Vine yard But to night I am Nan tuck et bound _ _ We took on die sel back in Mon tauk yes ter day _ _ And left this mor ning from the bell in Gardi ner's Bay _ Like all the loc als here I've had to sell my home _ _ Too proud to leave I work ed my fingers to the bone So I could own my Down east er Al e x a And I go where the oce an is deep _ _ There are gi ants out there in the can yons And a good cap tain can't fall a sleep _ _ I 've got bills to pay and chil dren who need clothes _ _ I know there's fish out there but where God on ly knows _ _ They say these wat ers are n't what they used to be _ _ But I've got people back on land who count on me So if you see my Down east er Al e xa And if you work with the rod and the re el _ _ Tell my wife I am stroll ing At lan tis And I still have my hands on the wheel Now I drive my Down east er Al e xa More and more mil es from shore ever y year _ Since they tell me I can't sell no strip ers And there's no luck in sword fish ing here _ _ I was a bay man like my fath er was be fore _ _ Can't make a liv ing as a bay man an y more _ _ There ain't much fu ture for a man who works the sea _ _ But there ain't no is land left for is land ers like me I KNOW! YEAH _ AND I KNOW! YEAH _ AND I KNOW! YEAH _ AND I KNOW!